API developer doc

Interface domain name: please contact customer service

Interface version: v1

Interface protocol:

  1. Merchants are requested to use the corresponding transfer interface API and transfer free interface API,The merchant can only use the API corresponding to the menu, otherwise the interface will fail to call. The interface not specified in the menu on the left can be used together with transfer free wallet and transfer Wallet
  2. All acquisition is recorded according to Beijing time
  3. All games support automatic creation of users if they are not created during login and quota conversion
  4. All quota conversion interfaces will return the converted balance
  5. All parameter names have game type plat type in lowercase letters
  6. IP plus white list required for merchant request interface
  7. Data return format unified JSON format return
  8. Interface returns three fields including statuscode message data
  9. Statuscode is used to judge whether the status is correct; message returns the status corresponding to code; data returns data according to the business.
  10. The access API access address is provided separately. Please contact the business department for the API address and other configuration information
  11. To prevent data from being hijacked, modify and submit. All interfaces do not need to pass API account parameters separately. Do not expose this parameter at any time
  12. It is recommended that the request timeout for all interfaces be set toMore than 30 seconds.
  13. The wallet ﹐ type parameter (1 for transfer wallet and 2 for transfer free wallet) is added to all interfaces of the system to automatically switch between transfer free wallet and transfer wallet. The platform can call transfer wallet and transfer free wallet according to the needs of members. If the wallet type parameter is not passed, the wallet type of system account opening is used by default.

Interface standard

  1. Data protocol: JSON
  2. Coding requirements: UTF-8
  3. Security key
  4. Encryption signature: sign_key, contact business to obtain
  5. Agent key: API account, contact business to obtain
  6. When the interface returns successfully, the statuscode is 01. All statuscodes except 01 are in failure or other error status. The corresponding error reason will be reflected in message.
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