Bbin record return field description

  • BBIN video
  • BBIN (CP)
  • BBIN Sports
  • BBIN electron
  • BBIN fishing
  • *Bbin video game_ Type is 1
Field nameExplain
IDNewgaming platform ID
WagersIDNote ID
LoginIdUser name of player
SerialIDBureau number
GameCodeTable number
WagerDetailBet content
CardResult card
ResultTypeNote result [- 1 cancellation] [0 unsettled]
WagersDateBet time
beijing_bet_timeBet (Beijing) time
GameTypeGame type
ResultOpening result
BetAmountAmount of bet
PayoffLottery amount
CommissionableEffective bet amount
ExchangeRateExchange rate with RMB
Origin1. Mobile device order: M
1-1.ios Mobile: MI1 
1-2.ios plate: mi2 
1-3. Android phone: MA1 
1-4. Android Tablet: ma2 
2. Computer order: P
RoundIdBureau number
CurrentPageCurrent page number
CountNumTotal number of records

*Bbincp game? Type is 3

Field nameExplain
IDNewgaming platform ID
WagersIDNote ID
LoginIdUser name of player
WagersDateBet time
beijing_bet_timeBet (Beijing) time
GameTypeGame type
ResultNote result 
W: win 
L: lose. 
N: draw. 
0: no results 
N2: write off
BetAmountAmount of bet
PayoffLottery amount
CommissionWater withdrawal
ExchangeRateExchange rate with RMB
IsPaidY: Assigned color, N: not assigned color
GameNumNumber of periods
Origin1. Mobile device order: M 
1-1.ios Mobile: MI1 
1-2.ios plate: mi2 
1-3. Android phone: MA1 
1-4. Android Tablet: ma2 
2. Computer order: P
CurrentPageCurrent page number
CountNumTotal number of records

*Bbin sports game? Type is 4

Field nameExplain
IDNewgaming platform ID
WagersIDNote ID
LoginIdUser name of player
WagersDateBet time
beijing_bet_timeBet (Beijing) time
GameTypeGame type
ResultNote result 
N: No results 
C: write off 
W: Win L: lose 
LW: win half 
Ll: lose half 
0: draw. 
D: Not accepted 
F: illegal 
Bet write off 
10: Unsettled 
S: Waiting
BetAmountAmount of bet
PayoffLottery amount
CommissionableEffective bet amount
ExchangeRateExchange rate with RMB
Origin1. Mobile device order: M 
1-1.ios Mobile: MI1 
1-2.ios plate: mi2 
1-3. Android phone: MA1 
1-4. Android Tablet: ma2 
2. Computer order: P
CurrentPageCurrent page number
CountNumTotal number of records

*Bbin electronic game? Type is 2

Field nameExplain
IDNewgaming platform ID
WagersIDNote ID
LoginIdUser name of player
WagersDateBet time
beijing_bet_timeBet (Beijing) time
GameTypeGame type
ResultNote result 
-1: Write off, 1: win, 200: lose, 0: unsettled, - 77: unsettled
BetAmountAmount of bet
PayoffLottery amount
CommissionableEffective bet amount
ExchangeRateExchange rate with RMB
CurrentPageCurrent page number
CountNumTotal number of records

*Bbin fishing game "U type is 6

Field nameExplain
IDNewgaming platform ID
WagersIDNote ID
LoginIdUser name of player
WagersDateTime to bet
beijing_bet_timeBet (Beijing) time
GameTypeGame type
SerialIDBureau number
ResultNote result (C: write off, X: unsettled, W: win, l: lose)
BetAmountAmount of bet
PayoffLottery amount
ModifiedDateNote change (Midong) time
CommissionableEffective bet amount
ExchangeRateExchange rate with RMB
CurrentPageCurrent page number
CountNumTotal number of records

Bbin (CP) definition of words in brackets



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