Ng interface account opening application


For free wallet and transfer, please click below:

In order to prevent malicious users from registering in batches, the customer service can apply for free during online period, and the applicants who need to apply for online period without customer service can open their own account through the following self-service application (the self-service application may be paid before the merchant can be officially opened)

Hereby pay attention to:

Figure 1 non ng official website
Figure 2 non ng official website


1. Self service quick application entry:(通用分数钱包商户)

2. Self service quick application entry:(单接口中心钱包商户)

3. Contact customer service for change of non transfer wallet and transfer Wallet

4. For those who need to change the wallet type (transfer wallet or no transfer wallet), if they need to change after the first or first limit purchase, and there is a limit, they will be regarded as abandoning the current limit. If you do not know, please refer to the question summary.

商户开户后api接口是永久可以使用的,所有api文档上的游戏均可使用,但对于长时间未使用的商户或者额度低于1000的商户会自动停用,停用之后可以联系开户人重新启用,或者联系官方客服。停用超时后官方有权回收。开户接口不可进行倒卖,使用倒卖或第三方个人私下提供和购买的账户由此出现的一切问题与NG官方免责,造成的损失自行处理和负责。近期具商户投诉和反应目前不少冒充NG官方的个人或者网站,在此请大家留意清楚,商户充值唯一就是商户后台,任何个人提供银行卡、各种支付码要求商户充值的一律视为骗子,受害的是自己,敬请留意、注意、小心。         自己的唯一上级就是开户人,如果联系不到上级,官方郑重提醒请重新到官方渠道开户。商户任何问题咨询都是开户人,为保障各代理商权益,官方客服除开户、代理合作、投诉其他问题不直接面对商户和解答。不少无上级代理的商户经常联系官方客服,不予面对造成的理解错误,这里做下明确说明。商户什么问题请咨询开户人,任何越级咨询官方不予回答。对欺骗商户的代理商,商户可以直接联系skype:[email protected]或者发送邮件,一经查实官方将永久取消其代理资格将严肃处理。




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