Recently there are cheaters posing as ng customer service to cheat!!!

Live: ng-cs1 and azardu are liars

The red circle on the picture shows the fake official website

Remind the government again that there is no CN domain name at present

This website is an unofficial channel website
This website is an unofficial channel website

The website in the two photos above is not the official website of NG, so all property losses caused by it have nothing to do with ng.


[please note] at present, the merchants have been cheated for many times,Hereby restate

Please do not believe any need for offline transfer and recharging,


The above way is the only recharge channel of NG official, do not believe in any other channels!!! The official will not in any way require the merchant to transfer to the bank card information sent for recharging. Once found, it can be identified as a liar. Otherwise, the consequences will be borne by yourself!

商户投诉的骗子账号看清楚 中国建设银行账号是:6217002980110713745户名:李波 此账号为骗子银行卡信息在此提醒大家千万注意。 live:ng-cs1 此skype为骗子请大家看清楚。 常用手段为代理注册费3万,充值发银行卡直接让其转账,转账要求的都是大额,会骗你说要最低充值几万。



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