NGAPI Interface Provider's Statement on Rumors

Regarding the disappearance of the NGAPI interface provider on the Internet, our company makes a solemn statement: the content described is not true. After investigation, the NGAPI mentioned in some online posts has disappeared. In fact, the articles contain articles and posts that slander NGAPI and other maliciously competing companies with us and their promotion. Here, all customers are requested to be vigilant, do not believe or spread rumors, do not forward unverified information at will, and do not deliberately "fabricate and adapt", recognize our NGAPI interface brand, newngapi newgaming belongs to the same NGAPI brand, do not mistakenly enter others The trap is deceived.

The NGAPI interface has been in operation since 2016. Due to the major loopholes in the API system in August 2021, and the malicious reselling of merchant quotas by our agents for profit, system data has been lost. In order to ensure the safety and rights of our customers and merchants, we have to temporarily suspend business and business. Update the system and redevelop some systems. So far, all NGAPI interfaces are normal.



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