Facebook game market report 2019

The game is no longer a small industry for a few people. According to the report of newzoo, the value of the global game industry in 2019 is estimated to be $152.1 billion (this value does not include the total console or other hardware sales and revenue of in game advertising). The rapid development of the game industry is inseparable from more and more game devices, from PC, game console to mobile devices. Now, 86% of Internet users play games on at least one device.

有趣的是,并不是所有的游戏玩家都把自己贴上“游戏玩家”的标签,尽管他们确实喜欢玩游戏。多达 80% 的自称不喜欢玩游戏的人说,他们仍然喜欢在智能手机上玩游戏。的确,移动设备是游戏行业繁荣的原因之一。今年,移动设备(智能手机和平板电脑)估计将贡献游戏行业总收入的 45%。

As more and more people play games, there are more and more games, because each player has different preferences. According to the facebook game marketing report, there are two indicators to prove that the preferences of game players are becoming more and more diverse.

Mobile Legends 是智能手机上的游戏示例
Mobile legends is an example of a game on a smartphone

其中之一是移动设备上日益多样化的游戏类型,手机曾经只能玩一个非常简单的游戏,例如“贪吃蛇”。现在,用户可以玩一个复杂的 MOBA 游戏或皇家战斗,例如移动传奇和未知的战场移动。其他证据表明,玩家的偏好现在越来越多样化,这是人们对熟悉的知识产权的兴趣日益浓厚。

In its report, Facebook classified gamers into three categories, namely, Buddhist gamers, hardcore gamers and intermediate categories, each with its own characteristics.

Buddha game player

在过去的一年中,不仅出现了更大型的游戏,还出现了一些超休闲游戏,例如 Stack Ball、Run Race 3D、Tiles Hop:ED Rush、Clean Road、Traffic Run 和 Crowd City。根据 2019 年第二季度 App Annie 的应用报告,这些游戏已包含在下载量最大的游戏列表中。

One of the characteristics of Buddhists is that they are not opposed to in-game advertising, as can be seen from the success of free game systems implemented by many games. As many as 75% of mobile game players said they would not mind the advertisements in the game as long as they could play the game.

Types of advertisements mobile game players want to see

One of the complaints of Buddhists is actually monotonous advertising, with as many as 73% of mobile game players saying that the advertising they see in the game has not changed. 40% said they want to see ads from other games, 39% want to see other non game products, and 21% want to see ads that balance the two.

Hard-core Player

Just like Buddhism players, iron players have their own characteristics. Usually, hardcore players look for games with complex and challenging mechanisms. In the past, if players wanted to play complex multiplayer games, they could only find such games on PC or console. Now, mobile games have begun to have more complex mechanisms. Smart phone technology is becoming more and more mature, which makes the rise of complex mobile games, so that "heavy" games can run on smart phones.

As games become more complex and challenging, hardcore gamers may spend more time playing. Some types of games make players more active than others, such as real-time actions or multiplayer RPGs.

Players who want to increase their mobile game time in the next year, by type

As the game becomes more and more complex, it begins to provide more complex scenes for mobile games. Around the world, mobile game competitions are emerging.

Global E-sports market in 2019

今年,印尼奖金池最大的赛事是《移动传奇职业联赛》第 4 季,总奖金为 30 万美元。同时,在全球范围内,游戏像勇猛的竞技场。根据《 Newzoo 2019 年全球电竞市场报告》,Valor 和 Clash Royale 进入了 2018 年观看次数最多的 25 个游戏的榜单。在 2018 年 12 月至 2019 年 2 月,从播放器上观看电竞内容视频总时长达到 1240 万小时。

Between Buddhists and hardcore players

Not all gamers can be classified as Buddhists or hardcore players, and some are in the middle category. Games designed for these categories of gamers usually have competitive elements from hard core games, but they use a super casual game model, that is, advertising.

For this kind of player, developers usually create a brand new machine or type of game. For example, play chess or castle. In the case of DOTA under, this game provides the competitiveness of DOTA 2 games on the PC, but it has a simpler mechanism, so it is easy to play on mobile devices.

The importance of being familiar with IP

Now, the game industry and the film industry are more and more similar. In the United States, one of the things a person should consider before going to a movie is whether they know the franchise of the movie. When choosing a game to play, players will also consider whether they are familiar with the game series.

Up to 75% of gamers on PC and game consoles decide which game to play based on whether the game comes from a franchise they know. Not only that, they are usually loyal to IP. For example, the latest version of call of duty is not very satisfactory, and gamers are still interested in buying the upcoming call of duty game.

Just like the players playing games on PC and host, franchise is also a consideration for mobile game players. Film studios can use their IP to make mobile games by cooperating with developers. For example, the game "Jurassic world: alive" was launched before the movie "Jurassic world: the fallen kingdom".

Jurassic world: alive

For game developers, using well-known IP will make their games more attractive to game players. In addition, they can attract IP enthusiasts.

From the perspective of IP holders, games can become a new medium for interaction with fans. Not only that, compared with other media such as comics, novels and even movies, games are interactive media that can promote the level of interaction.


Now, the number of gamers is increasing, and the label "gamer" is not entirely negative. On the one hand, this is good news for game developers and publishers, because the game market is becoming more and more common. On the other hand, as the game market has become more and more mature, players have higher and higher requirements for the game.



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