Newbb sports and E-sports

*Newbb sports and E-sports

*If there is an update (result field) note result, it will be returned according to the last update time as note time, and the merchant website will judge whether to update or add a record according to the order number and note result

Field nameExplain
IDNewgaming platform ID
WagersIDNote ID
LoginIdUser name of player
WagersDateTime to bet
beijing_bet_timeBet (Beijing) time
GameTypeGame type
Origin0: Web page, 1: mobile phone, 2: IOS, 3: Android
ResultNote result (0: wait for result, 1: relay status when note changes, 2: draw / cancel, 3: lose, 4: win, 5: cancel without result, - 1: invalid note)
BetAmountAmount of bet
PayoffLottery amount
CommissionableEffective bet amount
ExchangeRateExchange rate with RMB
CurrentPageCurrent page number
CountNumTotal number of records



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