Get single platform game record (detailed field record)

*Interface address:

  • Domain name / V1 / user / record

* Description:

  • It can not be collected more than 5 times every five minutes. For example, four game types are required for bbin to obtain records. The rule of five times in five minutes will be calculated separately according to each game type
  • The start time and end time cannot exceed 24 hours (within 24 hours of any day can be obtained, it is allowed to span one day)
  • Start time cannot be greater than end time (can be equal to)
  • If there are many single records, the collection time can be shortened properly and the number of records obtained per page can be increased to avoid the excessive number of collection times per page.

*Request parameters:

Field nametypelengthMandatoryExplain
Plat_typeString32yesPlatform type (see Appendix platform type)
Game_typeString10Optional parametersGame type (see Appendix game type)
BetIdString5000Optional parametersBet ID: multiple bet IDs are spliced with two equal signs, such as 111 = = 222 = = 333, and the maximum number of bet IDS is 1000 at a time. When betid is not empty, the start time and end time parameters are null
Sign_keyString32yesEncrypted signature
StartTimeDate32yesStart time format: 2018-04-29 10:00:00
EndTimeDate32yesEnd time format: 20:00:00, April 29, 2018
PageInt10yesPage number default 1
LimitInt10yesPage size cannot be greater than 1000 default 100

*Response parameters

Field nametypeExplain
StatusCodeStringSuccess.01: success; other failures;
MessageStringInformation corresponding to code
DataStringGame record
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