Update wallet free limit

*Interface address:

  • Domain name / V1 / Wallet / trans

*Note: the amount can only be transferred out after the game is over

*Please update the quota when the member withdraws and withdraws the funds. The decimal point is not supported. When requesting the interface, the timeout must be set for more than 30 seconds

*Request parameters:

Field nametypelengthMandatoryExplain
UsernameString5-11yesMember name, no prefix required
Sign_keyString32yesEncrypted signature
MoneyInt10yesTransfer amount (negative indicates deduction from wallet, positive indicates transfer to wallet), decimal is not supported
client_transfer_idString64yesThe order number of the conversion quota cannot exceed 64 bits. The uniqueness shall be guaranteed when the merchant platform transmits it

*Response parameters

Field nametypeExplain
StatusCodeStringSuccess.01: success; other failures;
MessageStringInformation corresponding to code

*Return data content


"statusCode": "01",




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