Bbin forms a global partner with Nova eSports

BBIN与亚洲电竞名门Nova Esports结成全球合作伙伴
Bbin forms a global partner with Nova eSports

Nova eSports, a global well-known E-sports team, started in Shanghai in August and announced that it has formed a global partner with bbin BAOYING group, the leading enterprise in the Asian game industry. Bbin BAOYING group will become a global sponsor of one of the most influential E-sports clubs in the world and China.

As the leader of the Asian game industry, bbin BAOYING group shows its strong support for the e-sports community. Over the past 20 years, bbin BAOYING group has spared no effort to support world-class sports and entertainment events and strive to diversify its partners.

Nova Esports电竞战队负责人Franise Chan表示:「我们十分高兴能够与BBIN宝盈集团展开此次意义非凡的合作,为全球电竞粉丝带来创新且别具意义的体验。BBIN一直致力于赞助各项顶级体育项目及娱乐活动,亦是全球少数世界级品牌对电竞俱乐部给予大力支持,因此我们为得到 BBIN对Nova Esports的支持而感到自豪。」

"With the growing popularity of E-sports culture, the enthusiasm and input of E-sports fans can match the mainstream sports," bbin said. As a leader in the Asian game industry, we are looking forward to joining hands with Nova eSports in various well-known E-sports projects around the world, bringing a new experience to millions of E-sports fans who watch and participate in the event every year. "

As a global partner, bbin BAOYING group will fully support Nova eSports to participate in various international events in the world of e-sports, including the official professional league and other international events sponsored by the Royal war project team, as well as the top E-sports events sponsored by the club team, including legend duel, pubgm, FIFA online, etc. At the same time, bbin BAOYING group will bring a unique and innovative experience to a group of supporters through social media and exclusive video program production, so that millions of E-sports fans who watch and participate in the event every year can further draw closer to the e-sports projects and events.

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