Platform operation must see

The game industry is an industry with billions to trillions of assets.

The online game market offers unlimited possibilities for growth, which is equally exciting and rewarding. However, growing up in this industry itself is not a simple and unchanging process. In life, every journey starts with a small step, and then the next step, as in the game industry. In terms of method, it is also the same. But how and where to enter the industry without knowing?

We have compiled a list of six key steps for each novice on how to start a successful online website platform. You need to follow the steps below to build your online.

Six key steps to start an online website platform:

  1. Choose a reliable software supplier
  2. Choose game content
  3. Get game license
  4. Secure and verified means of payment
  5. Create online website platform website
  6. Focus on marketing and promotion

1. Choose a reliable software supplier

购得高质量的bocai软件是开设在线 网站平台 中最关键的一步,因为它将设定并决定 网站平台 的预期性能,因此与可靠的软件供应商 达成交易是绝对必须的。从价格和保证条款到游戏评论和安全性能,评估这一切都是为了您自己的利益。

Pay special attention to the content of the game, independent cooperation conditions, certification and technical support, which must be part of the whole game software package.

Unfortunately, business goals are often overlooked, especially in the pre opening stage of the website platform, when you are still questioning what is related to your online website platform and what is not. Ng will provide you with a full range of packages, including licensing, more than 3000 games, and even binary option games.

2. Choose game content for your online website platform website

Generally speaking, players will judge your business according to the games you provide. In order to attract as many players as possible, it is important to focus on the diversity of game content.

Your website should support easy integration of new game features, and have the most exciting hot slot machines, poker, roulette, blackjack, bingo and Baccarat card games. The online website platform with real dealers and real-time video streaming function is the basis of your business. In this way, you can create a realistic website platform for online players.

Please try to add virtual sports and increasingly popular sports gambling, and explore the hot spots in sports from enthusiastic experts. Ng can provide you with any game beyond the list and is guaranteed to be an important source of entertainment.

3. Obtain game license

Countries have different legal frameworks, so the licensing process can be cumbersome. The regulated market involves a few countries with predetermined requirements for BOCAI activities.

All countries can be divided into the following categories:

  • Countries managing BOCAI Market
  • A country that manages and monopolizes BOCAI fields
  • Countries banning BOCAI
  • Countries that do not regulate the BOCAI market.

The most popular BOCAI jurisdictions are the UK, Malta, Alderney, man, Curacao and Gibraltar. The decisive factor in choosing a jurisdiction is its credibility, the period of validity of the license and the price of the license.

Ng will assist you to fill in all the documents that apply for the license for the all inclusive website platform. The whole process may last for more than one month, but if you want to open your website platform as soon as possible, we suggest that you use our license through the white label card website platform system.

4. Safe and verified payment methods

The emergence of online website platform must be the product of international trend. It is not difficult to understand that it should include international business transactions: international payment or international collection.

Obviously, you have to carefully check whether your website platform supports the integration with the main e-payment system, otherwise players will not be able to deposit Du funds or withdraw the won funds. Ignoring the traditional payment method of credit card and voucher is a disastrous business behavior, because it may bring risks to your website platform reputation.

In order to ensure the security of the verified payment method of your online website platform, you should sign multiple agreements with the payment system suppliers, in which they should promise the security of the transaction. You can use the three-party online payment processing platform flexibly, because the platform covers a full range of high-level services for your online website platform, including multi currency support, anti fraud, advanced risk management and integration with more than 50 most popular payment systems.

5. Create online website platform website

The visual image of the website platform is very important! A well-designed website is essential to attract and retain customers, because it can provide a landing page with excellent visual effect and significantly enhance brand value. The whole design must be of excellent quality, attractive and different in other similar website platforms.


If you want to create a unique website for your website platform, but are still not sure whether you can do it yourself, ng can help you here. We can provide a completely redesigned solution, ready-made templates or even customized templates to meet your needs.

6. Focus on marketing and promotion

Marketing is the last step in the process. When your online website platform has been set up, it is necessary for you to formulate an effective marketing strategy and establish an efficient membership system to ensure the increase of website participation and visitors. Ng supports integration with netrefer, incomeaccess, egass, unisender and other popular member management programs and activity tools.

In order to win new players and keep loyal visitors to your website platform satisfied with your service, we have introduced a loyalty plan, established a bonus system and carried out customer retention activities to encourage players to return to your website platform. Get to know your competitors, identify their mistakes, and try to avoid them on your own platform.

In a word, BOCAI business seems to be a bit tricky. The reason is very simple, because it is really not easy. However, if you decide to cooperate with ng and work together, you can skip the "tricky" part and create an efficient online platform website in the shortest time.

Updated in 2019

以上几点对于运营平台至关重要,然而技术和市场的需求从未停滞不前。在线 网站平台 行业的最新趋势是什么?首当其冲的便是加密货币。虽然这个趋势并不是新,但它仍然算得上是最重要的诸多趋势中的一个。现在,仍然有许多人在购买、交易、开采并使用比特币、以太坊、莱特币和新出现的加密货币,而且 网站平台 运营商等也仍然在使用这些加密货币。在线 网站平台 中使用加密货币进行支付,对于 网站平台 运营商和玩家都很方便,因为玩家会始终保持匿名,并且 网站平台 运营商可以避免中间金融机构而实现迅速收到资金。因此,如果您打算开设自己的 网站平台 ,请考虑整合支持加密货币的支付系统。顺便提一下,使用加密货币付款并不是运用这一发明的唯一方式。您还可以基于区块链系统创建整个项目,要知道区块链系统是一个世界领先的数字资产平台2019年,我们见证了市面上出现的一些创新项目,这些项目都是基于区块链构建的游戏系统。虽然这些项目的数目并不多,而且每家公司都采用自己开发的技术来提供产品和服务,但您可以以相同的方式启动类似的项目,并获得不可限量的巨大成功潜力。请注意,您将会需要事先获得相关的许可证才能开始运营此类项目。这就是关于加密货币的全部信息。让我们关注整个行业的变化,看看这些创新将如何发展吧!当然,在2019年还有更多值得关注的事情,另外一个有意思的事情就是游戏化。基本上,游戏化就是将一个“无聊”的过程转变为更加用户友好的体验,让其变成类似于某种游戏的体验。通常,游戏化的元素包含徽章、积分、排行榜、竞赛元素和游戏规则。游戏化的例子可以在游戏本身、后台办公室、营销元素等中找到。您创建的产品的互动性越强、功能越丰富,它就越有吸引力。

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